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Welcome to a better catalog experience
The Intelligent Catalog That’s Driving Marketplace Growth Increase traffic, sessions, and transactions
Businesses selling products on Amazon, Walmart and eBay
Which Channels to Sell On
Demand Forecasting
Margin Estimates
Marketplaces with extensive catalog data
Grouping and Ranking
Product Identification and Enhanced Data
Price Benchmarking
The Intelligent Catalog Drives the Shopper Centric experience
Present the right products in the right way, at the optimized price
Increases traffic
40% of marketplace traffic comes from search engines. With comprehensive, detailed product data, you can increase search engine traffic by 20%. Make sure that search engines can find you.

Raises the number of sessions
Make it clear and easy for users to find what they’re looking for. Catalogs with properly grouped and ranked product pages realize a 5% increase in the number of user sessions.

Boost conversions
The right price matters. Products that are priced properly can increase conversions by 5% compared to competitors. Make sure you’re competitively priced to make the sale.

The Algopix Advantage
Help shoppers find your products by enhancing product data.
Identify any product based on keywords, product descriptions, or GTIN. No barcode? No problem. We can still identify products properly. Accurate product identification, in real time, makes it easier to handle large amounts of product at scale.