Grow Your Business with Instagram

Grow Your Business with Instagram

Grow Your Business with Instagram


Grow Your Business with Instagram

How do you build an engaged following and increase your sales on Instagram?

Is it about using the right hashtags? Taking the perfect photo? Posting at the right time?

If you want to learn how to build an engaged audience of buyers for your product, you’re in the right place to learn.

Your instructor, Gretta van Riel, is one of Australia’s top young serial entrepreneurs. With five multi-million dollar startups under her belt, Gretta prides herself on turning audiences into brands and trends into markets. She loves Instagram and has amassed over 16 million followers (bot-free) on 25 accounts on Instagram.

In this course, you‘ll get the behind-the-scenes strategies and templates you can use to 10x your following and (ideally your customers) on Instagram.


Welcome to the Course!

3 Reasons to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business

How to Set Up Your Instagram Business Account

How to Audit Your Instagram Page

Frequently Asked Questions

01 |How to Build An Engaged Following on Instagram

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

Discover Your Niche to Turn Viewers into Followers

10 Ways to Find and Engage 1000 Raving Fans

Workshop: How to Build an Engaged Following

02 |How to Create Content that Converts Followers to Customers

The 7 Elements of an Instagram Post

Content Curation vs. Content Creation

3 Content Strategies that Provide Real Value

How to Create Video Content on a Budget

How to Create an Engaging Instagram Story

3 Keys to Hosting a Successful Instagram Live

Workshop: How to Create Content that Converts Followers to Customers

03 | Halfway There…

Check in with your Progress

04 |How to Create an Instagram Sales Funnel

The 5 Stages of the Instagram Sales Funnel

The ‘Pirate’ Framework that Can Take You From Zero to a Million Dollars

Awareness: 9 Methods to Generate Awareness

Activation: Turns Followers into Subscribers

Revenue: How to Use Shoppable Posts

Retention & Referral: 3 Methods to Create a Customer Connection

How to Use Instagram Analytics

Workshop: How to Create an Instagram Sales Funnel

05 |How to Make more Sales with Influencer Marketing

The Value of Influencers

How to Find the Right Influencers for Your Business

How to Create a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign

How to Reach Out and Brief an Influencer

Tracking Results to Evaluate Influencer Success

#FinishLine: Gretta’s Final Words of Wisdom

Workshop: How to Make more Sales with Influencer Marketing