7 Years in SEO, SEM, SMM with Ebay and Google shopping skills

7 Years in SEO, SEM, SMM with Ebay and Google shopping skills

7 Years in SEO, SEM, SMM with Ebay and Google shopping skills


I have been online markteter for more than 9 years and optimized the following niches: franchise, toys, used cars, online games, real estate, Short sale, Web Design, Legal service Tampa, call center outsourcing, project management certification, Job site Singapore, PET, Battery isolator, Spy Camera, Car Repair, car parts and a lot more.

I am 100% wordpress users, Joomla and magento CMS. I used 12 link building campaign and very good strategy in on page optimization. I managed both Adwords and ymuq campaign and do Facebook advertising as well as organic campaign.

I was once the team leader for a group of virtual assistance working in I managed 10 persons with the job title as SEO, link builder, writer, graphic artist and developers.

I have average writing skills. I have been blogging for the past 10 years. I have written some product descriptions in the eCommerce website and I am very good at content marketing. My major strategies are 1. Keyword research and content creation 2. Title optimization: Qualitative + keyword + expectation +target 3. Content optimization 4. Content repurposing Blog, presentation, pdf, video, audio, infographics 5. Link wheeling – indexing activities