

Performance driven AdWords for e-commerce
Our AdWords experts control a smart Robot for the highest yield.
And our Robot works 24/7 to optimize your AdWords campaigns.

Our Robot gets more out of Google Shopping and Product Listing Ads

Google Shopping (PLA) offers web shops an incredible chance to display high yielding advertisements within the Google search engine.

Nowadays Google shows shopping advertisements more and more often when people search for products. Shopping generally has the highest yield after branded campaigns. Our experience shows that these sorts of campaigns are responsible for 30-60% of the revenue from AdWords.

Within shopping there are many optimizations possible with our Robot. Optimization of product feeds, offers, negative keywords, segmenting based on brands, pricing and categories and much more.

Read more about Google Shopping for web shops

We bring back shopping cart abandoners and existing customers
We use Customer Match, (Dynamic) Remarketing and RLSA (for Shopping) to retarget to them

New remarketing possibilities within AdWords go much further than the banner advertisements that in most cases are not that profitable for e-commerce.

With Customer Match it is possible to reach existing customers again through search advertisements on the Google search engine. This is done through an e-mail address.

RLSA (for Google Shopping) reaches shopping cart leavers or visitors from certain parts of the website that haven’t bought any products. In many cases with more than 100% increase of the yield of RLSA ads.

Dynamic Remarketing enables us to show highly specific banner advertisements with product information such as a photo, price and brand. With this, leavers of the website are once again triggered with products that they had seen in the web shop earlier.

Learn more about Remarketing for webshops