

The SEO platform of choice for Professional Marketers
Power your data-driven SEO, Content Marketing and Outreach Strategies with Linkdex

Get unlimited research data, intelligence and insights.
Everything you need to research and plan your SEO strategies.

Perform deep market, competitor and performance analysis on any website or page, and get ranking intelligence for hundreds of millions of keywords.
Discover new opportunities, monitor competitor strategies, and benchmark performance.
Use the world’s only Author Search Engine to identify the websites and authors who matter, and who shape consumer buying decisions.
Manage all of your projects
Understand performance by domain, by device, by location, and much more.

Accurately track all of your important keywords, and understand your SERP and competitor landscape.
Measure content performance on your domains, and analyse keywords and links, to discover opportunities and optimize performance
Report on your projects and visualize results with sophisticated forecasting tools, charts, and dashboards.