Data for SEO
Data for SEO
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SEO Data – All in one place
I’ve been working on a product to get all your data in one place for a year or so now. It’s ready to launch and I think it’ll make a huge difference to SEO analysis!
Where can it help?
You’re spending ages on reporting. You have to provide daily and weekly reports, you need to pull different data sources together. It’s a hot mess of Excel and Google sheets.
You’re completing a complicated bit of SEO analysis. You realise you’ve made a wrong assumption about your data and you need to redo all the calculations. Another wasted day.
You finish the work and your boss loves it. He asks you to do it again for another domain. Which Excel sheet was the right one again?
A migration has gone horribly wrong. You need to find out why. You want to dive into the keyword rankings, but it’s split across two separate search consoles. You need to combine and That’s hours of spreadsheets, copy paste and VLOOKUPs in front of you.
You’ve got a large site and technical SEO issues. Crawl data is going to get you some answers. But to properly uncover what Google is doing and prioritise properly, you need log data. The formats are a nightmare, there are 10s of GBs of data. You’re not even sure it’ll fit on your hard drive.
In a nutshell, this is going to make a real difference anywhere working with data is hard and time consuming.