URL Rotater – Digital Marketing Supermarket https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com Marketplace for Digital Marketing Tools and Courses Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:27:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Ads Bridge https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/tool/ads-bridge/ Sun, 09 Feb 2020 21:04:49 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/tool/ads-bridge/ Ads Bridge – AFFILIATE SOFTWARE
One single platform to manage and optimize all ad campaigns. Collect vast volumes of rich click-forward data, stay in control of your traffic, and easily scale business.

Elevate the performance of your marketing campaigns with secure and flexible SaaS platform. Save time and money on massive traffic amounts optimization.

What is affiliate tracking software?
Affiliate marketing is a type of online marketing that involves the promotion of a product or service with the help of partners. Partners with their own efforts draw attention to the product and get a commission for it. Affiliate tracking software is used primarily in this type of marketing and it is designed for tracking the effectiveness and management of marketing activities using various plug-ins installed on the partner websites.
With a tracker, you can:
conduct A/B tests of campaigns,
filter out the bot traffic,
see all possible information about traffic for its analysis and optimization.
Our tracker can serve you as an excellent base for affiliate program software and affiliate network software through multi-user access, which lets you monitor the actions of your affiliates.
How is affiliate marketing software works?
With so many useful and not so helpful programs, websites, and tools on the market today, it’s very easy to get lost and confused about what’s important, and what you need. After all, each tool is worth the money that you surely want to earn, and not just waste. One of the digital tools that every affiliate needs in the modern market conditions is the tracker. Affiliate platform software is diverse in their application. However, they should help to monitor the productivity of your campaigns, provide tools for their optimization, and effectively manage your media-buy team or other publishers. By choosing the tracking platform, you get a wide range of opportunities, including direct monitoring of the traffic quality, and its subsequent optimization and distribution per your request. With a tracker, you can conduct A/B tests of your campaigns, “play” with moderators of any well-known sources and also see all possible information about your traffic for its analysis and optimization. Many options of affiliate platform software provide a wide choice and diverse application. It is important to focus on those which will be the most effective for you.
Why choose AdsBridge?

AdsBridge is a universal solution for all types of businesses. We provide a large scope of tools and do not limit the functionality for a user based on a pricing plan. AdsBridge works on and for you with an aim to increase the profitability of your business. Our product meets all challenges faced by good affiliate platform software. It’s not that easy to make your decision from a variety of tracking solutions available on the market. Everyone can’t be pleased, so you make your choice according to individual preferences. We try very hard to simplify this choice for a user, naturally responding to any individual request, as well as offering them a competitive set of functions, without which the modern affiliate can’t work. By choosing in favor of our tracker, you will have a great scope of options, including direct monitoring of the traffic quality, and its subsequent optimization and distribution per your request.
