Digital Marketing Mastery: The Complete Beginner’s Course

Digital Marketing Mastery: The Complete Beginner’s Course

Digital Marketing Mastery: The Complete Beginner’s Course


from $13.99


Digital Marketing Mastery: The Complete Beginner’s Course
Grow Your Business with Digital Marketing: Branding, Social Media Domination, Content Marketing, Traffic and Lead Gen

What you’ll learn
Introduction to Digital Marketing. Where Should you Start? How should you go from Point A to Point B?
What are the Key Challenges Facing Digital Marketing Industry?
Why Should you Conduct Marketing Audit first before getting Dazzled by the Shiny Strategies and Techniques? How to Conduct your Marketing Audit?
What is Branding? 5 Reasons to Why Brand Yourself in Today’s Digital economy? Difference between Business Brand and Personal Brand? How to Create Your Strong Brand that Sets You apart in the Marketplace?
8 Techniques to Create Your Strong Online Presence? Difference Between Marketing and Selling?
What is the Iron Triangle of Digital Marketing? What are its 3 Key Elements? Why is it Important? How to Identify it?
How to Develop Audience Persona or Customer Avatars? Why is it a Foundational Building Block for Your Business?
How to Identify Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) or UVP (Unique Value

You don’t have to have Harvard degree or college degree to get enrolled in this course. All you need is a strong desire to learn digital marketing
Even if you’re new to social media or just getting started, through this course, you can learn ins and outs of digital marketing through course. All you need is a strong desire to learn branding, social media marketing, and content marketing
You should have access to internet connectivity and you should feel comfortable connecting to the Internet
No Experience Required. Have an open mind and a learning appetite. You don’t need to be tech savvy or marketing savvy
Suitable for All Types of Businesses (B2B, B2C, Freelance Marketers, startups, business owners, Side-gig entrepreneurs)
If you’re looking for a Digital Marketing Masterclass taught by a Practitioner that includes step-by-step strategies, action plan and a roadmap, then you’ve come to the right place!

You’ll learn and accumulate knowledge of the cutting-edge industry and various digital marketing strategies that you can use across various social media platforms.

If you’re a brick-n-mortar business owner, solopreneur or an entrepreneur, it will help you grow your business and improve conversion rates.

If you’re a startup, early-stage founder, executive leader or CEO, it will help you expedite your learning curve so that you can quickly inject strategies and techniques and get started quickly, effectively and efficiently.

If you’re a career professional, marketing manager or a brand strategist, with the techniques taught in this course, you can powerfully brand yourself so that you can become sought-after candidate in the job market.

In this Masterclass, I’m teaming up with Greg Rollett, an Emmy Award Winning Producer and CEO of Ambitious Media to deliver to you the best of the digital marketing strategies from soup to nuts. We’ll take you on the journey together with us to the promised land of Digital Marketing.

I’ve structured my course in 7 modules in such a way that these modules are simple and straight-forward so as to make it easier for you to learn the various aspects of Digital Marketing.

Module 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing

I will cover introduction to digital marketing, different facets of digital marketing, what it means to you and your business/ profession.

I will get into how technology, internet and social media are bringing people closer than ever before and why you shouldn’t neglect it, what are the huge shifts that have transformed the status-quo and how you should take advantage of it.

I will also cover what we can learn from Amazon in terms of disrupting the traditional industries and how we can benefit from it. I will then get into 4 Case studies- Dacia (Facebook Ads), Gucci (Instagram), Dollar Shave Club (YouTube), Individuals as Brands.

Finally, I will cover advantages of digital marketing, key differences between Marketing and Selling and the key challenges facing the Digital Marketing industry.


Module 2: Conduct Your Digital Marketing Audit

In this module, I will talk about what the digital marketing audit is, its importance and why should you conduct it first before getting excited about digital marketing, branding and social media.

What are the key elements of marketing audit, identify the gaps and what steps you need to undertake to perform marketing audit:

Your marketing goals and objectives

Marketing triangle

Unique value proposition

Audience Persona

Branding or messaging

Social media strategy

Content strategy

Website Design


Social media marketing

Team Skillset, Resource utilization


Module 3: Build Your Unstoppable Brand

Your brand should allow your customers to recognize unique sense of differentiation compared your competition. Here, I will cover what is branding and how the term has evolved from what it used to be and what is its modern connotation. I will also bust certain myths in terms of when business owners think they don’t have a strong brand of their own.

I will talk about the importance of building your brand, building your online presence, how to build your brand, difference between personal and business brand.

I will then talk about the importance of importance of defining your USP (unique selling proposition) and 6-steps to create it.


Module 4: Dominate Social Media

As soon as you enter the social media ballgame, you will realize that the field is bigger than you’ve imagined. Here, I describe what is social media ecosystem is and how to create your own ecosystem.

I talk about discovering 8 elements of why social media is exactly where your customers are spending their time and why you need to turn your attention there. Also, discover that social media is an equal opportunity medium no matter your business size

Finally, I cover 8 ways on how to dominate on social media

•Next steps


Module 5: Content Marketing Crash Course

Content is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy and you shouldn’t underestimate its power. Content Marketing is a specialized approach to create, publish and distribute content for your online audience.

I give an overview of what content marketing is and why it is the heart and soul of digital marketing, examples of different types of content, content marketing goals and objectives, 7 reasons why you need to create great content

Then, I cover my best strategies for creating compelling content so you can go and produce your own content immediately and become “go-to” expert for your marketplace.

Finally, I cover basic rules of content marketing, 4 content marketing setup strategies, the fastest ways to create real value through your content and how to create your content marketing game plan using 7 key strategies

•Next Steps


Module 6: Internet Traffic and Lead Generation

Getting a consistent flow of traffic is one of the key challenges you will have to overcome. With an explosive promise of digital marketing comes high competition. Thus, every passing day presents a challenge to drive traffic. This is because no traffic means no leads, no leads means no customers and no customers means no revenues.

In this module, I cover the importance of Traffic in relation to Customers and Revenues, understand what marketing funnel is and how you can take your prospects on a journey from being a cold lead to becoming a paying customer, 5 steps involved in Marketing Funnel

I end this module by covering 9 best strategies to drive traffic, attract leads and generate sales

Landing Pages

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Influencer Marketing

Visual Content

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Be Consistent

3rd Party Visibility

Social Media Platform Integration

EMail Marketing

•Next Steps


Module 7: Closing Deals and Acquire Customers

Once a lead is generated, it’s all about making sure that those leads turn into sales. Thus, you’ve to successfully manage closing the deals. Digital marketing is a process that, when well-planned, can map out your customers’ journey all the way from the beginning to the end.

At this point, you’re looking for “money in the pocket”.

•If you’ve done everything right,

You are talking to the right prospects who fit in with your target audience characteristics (aka audience persona) and align with your branding message

You may have conducted digital marketing audit for them highlighting areas of improvements and gaps. If not, you can offer this service as a precursor in order to close a deal

You have educated them and offered enough value (through your blogs, white papers, case studies that speak to their pain-points, challenges, likes and dislikes) that your prospects know precisely what to expect from you

•8 Ways to close the deals

Listen more, speak less

Compete on the basis of value

Adopt “Before” and “After” transformation story

Be precise about your value propositions

Coffee in One Hand and Confidence in the Other Hand

Don’t burn the Bridges

Ask “What Else?”

Believe in the power of Follow-ups


With the skills learned in this Digital Marketing Masterclass, you can:

Build strong online presence that you’ve always desired for

Get found and discovered efficiently on Google and Social Media Channels

Set yourself apart from your peers and your competition

Drive traffic and generate sustaining leads

Close deals, generate steady revenues and acquire paying customers


Lifetime access to the course and all updates

Udemy certificate of completion

Practical strategies and tips for you to get on the fast-track

You can ask me any questions and I’ll respond to every single one of them in a thoughtful manner

30-Day 100% money back guarantee – no questions asked!

We’re in this together! Let’s take the journey together!

You Got This!

Who this course is for:
Startups and Early Stage Founders
Social Media Beginners
Heart-centered entrepreneurs
Brick and mortar business owners
Brand Managers
Marketing Leaders
Anyone who wants to make a positive impact with digital marketing