

from $25
  • Monthly Subscription


Track keywords on Facebook© groups
Fast and secure Facebook group keyword notification tool that works on private and public groups.

Facebook group keyword alerts that work
Find revelant conversations on Fb groups without any of the struggles

Monitor any group
Thousands of potential customers engage in Facebook groups every day to actively search for products to help them. Groouply monitors groups’ posts, comments and links, and it notifies you of relevant conversations.

We monitor closed and open groups. We don’t need any app to be installed by group admins. We don’t use your Facebook account in any way, either.

Get notified where you work
Stop wasting time browsing groups one by one. We notify you of new mentions by email and Slack messages.

Working in a team? No problem, you can add as many email addresses as you like.

For more technical clients, we already offer API access, and a Zapier integration is in the works.

Powerful analysis
Understand the social sentiment of your brand, product or service while monitoring Fb group conversations.