Affiliate Marketing – Digital Marketing Supermarket Marketplace for Digital Marketing Tools and Courses Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:08:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing – Learn step-by-step how to authentically generate more income with affiliate marketing. Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:55 +0000 1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing
Learn step-by-step how to authentically generate more income with affiliate marketing.

31 on-demand video lessons
Completely self-paced
Ongoing office hours with Pat each week give you the opportunity to ask questions and get advice.
Gain exclusive access to the private Facebook community
Full lifetime access
Enroll Now
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Your outcome
You’ll learn how to earn money by promoting products you believe in with affiliate marketing.


If you’re hoping to generate an income online, and you haven’t really taken the time to learn affiliate marketing, then you’re absolutely leaving money on the table.

Chances are good that you’re facing an all-too common dilemma: how to “crack the code” of monetization and generate an income ethically from the audience you’ve been building.

Maybe you worry that to do so you’ll have to create your own products from scratch. But generating an income from your own products requires time, energy, and a clear sense of what your audience wants and needs.

On top of that, you may fret that creating your own products will make it seem like you’re “selling out” and could damage the trust you’ve so carefully built with your audience.

Affiliate marketing offers a great solution to all these concerns. With affiliate marketing you can generate an income by recommending market-tested products you already trust and you know your audience will benefit from.

Affiliate marketing is a time-tested income-generation strategy with two powerful benefits: it allows you to maintain and strengthen your audience’s hard-won trust in your brand, with no need to invest time and energy creating products of your own.

Sadly, it’s easy to do affiliate marketing the wrong way—by putting money before your audience’s needs and trust, and damaging that relationship in the process.

That’s why I created 1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing.

With 1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing, I’ll give you all the tools you need to win by promoting products that already exist in the market you’re in—and I’ll show you how to do it the right way, so your audience wins, too.

1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing is your one-stop shop to become an affiliate marketing powerhouse.


Affiliate marketing changed my life.

At first, I was too afraid to create my own products, and I didn’t know what to build. But over time I found that by sharing and recommending the products that had already been proven to help people, companies would pay me for sending new customers their way, and my audience would thank me for sharing those resources with them.

Since 2010, when I started affiliate marketing, I’ve generated over $3.5 million from affiliate revenue alone. You can even see all the details in my monthly income reports over the years on

Affiliate marketing can be done the wrong way, or it can be done the right way. I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, and I want to use that knowledge to teach you how to generate affiliate income ethically and effectively.

If you’ve been struggling to generate an income online, and you’re not sure how to start monetizing, 1-2-3 Affiliate Marketing is for you.

Affiliate Marketing – Clickbank Amazon MaxBounty Peerfly Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:57 +0000 Affiliate Marketing – Clickbank Amazon MaxBounty Peerfly
Make Money Online via Affiliate marketing with pinterest, facebook, youtube, instagram, free blog sites Without Website

What you’ll learn
In this course, you will learn how to choose a profitable product at Clickbank. You will also learn how to market the product.
You will be able to make money with Clickbank without a website and create a profitable advertising campaign.
You will create a simple landing page without the need for domain name and you will create regular marketing subscribers.
You will attract customers to market your Clickbank product on social media without spending any advertising budget.
You will become the sales partner of the Amazon. You will be able to select products that you can market from millions of products in the Amazon.
You will not need to think about marketing strategies when opening your own online store in the future.
You will learn the secrets of Pinterest. Thus, you will send thousands of customers to the product page in a short time.
You will learn how to earn passive income

Digital Real Estate Affiliate Mastery + YouTube Ranking Master Class 2.0 Fri, 01 May 2020 16:58:22 +0000 D.R.E.A.M. is an in-depth look at how to set up an online brand doing what you love, whether personal or biz.

I’ve built an online business that earns 6 figures passively in affiliate marketing and have learned some cool strategies on how to set up a passive income that can add to your retirement, supplement your income or give you the freedom to go full time as I did in 2015 after using the techniques I teach inside this course.

I’ve come up with a way to make each brand unique and easily sellable if you ever want to cash in!

Regardless of your individual goals, I want to show you how to take something you are interested in and build it into a business that can pay you and your family for a lifetime, day and night, year after year.

SEO Affiliate Course Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:08:12 +0000 SEO Affiliate Course

SEO Affiliate Domination
Build passive affiliate income with Greg Jeffries step by step course on how to build mass sites that rank for hundreds and thousands of long tail search terms. Jeffries shares his exact methods, tools, and systems that helped him generate tens of thousands of dollars per month in affiliate earnings.

Unlimited platform access for $89 / month.


Some Course Modules
Module 1: Basics
Module 2: Setup
Module 3: Keywords
Module 4: On Page SEO
Module 5: Off Page SEO
Module 6: Google Analytics and more
Module 7: Affiliate Networks
Module 8: Building An Email List
Action Plans
Case Studies
Scaling Strategies
The retail price of this course is $2,000 but you can get it for just $79/month inside IMG Courses.

Just like most other folks, Greg struggled for many years to make money online. Until he discovered something that worked – a simple, scalable, and sustainable proprietary system that took me from earning less than $20,000 a year before taxes at a job to over six figures per year in passive income by combining affiliate marketing and SEO.

Super Affiliate System PRO Mon, 18 May 2020 20:59:14 +0000 Super Affiliate System PRO

Imagine Working Anywhere Anytime and Make Money While You Sleep

What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing strategy that involves you (the Affiliate) actively promoting and connecting business’ product, service, or sites to customers.

You, as the successful affiliate, are rewarded a commission when a sale has been transacted with each and every time.

Advantages of Affiliate Marketing
Easy Setup – An affiliate needs to:

Sign-up with an affiliate program

Pick a product

Paste your tracking code to your website

Wait until a customer makes a purchase of the product

You earn commissions with each sale whenever a user make a purchase on your site.

Low Overhead – As an affiliate marketer, your primary responsibility is to connect customers to the product you have selected.

You do not carry inventory.

You do not have to facilitate customer service.

You do not deal with tracking or shipping.

The merchant will take care of the rest.

Anywhere, Anytime – With a computer and internet access, you can work anywhere in the world in any timezone.

Passive Income – Once everything is set up, with the right strategy and action plan (which is why you’re here, right?), you’ll be generating income while you’re sleeping.

Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing
Working Alone – Most affiliate marketers start out as a one-man army. Be sure to keep a work-life balance and remember to spend time with your friends and family.

Choosing the Right Product – As an affiliate marketer, you want to select a product that sells, product research can be time-consuming.

Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme – There is no magic to affiliate marketing, you will not get rich overnight. The Super Affiliate System PRO (rebranded from Internet Jetset System) can help you in identifying and avoiding many rookie mistakes and pitfalls, generate traffic to your site, jump start advertising on Facebook and Google, and many more.

Before delving into the Super Affiliate System PRO (rebranded from Internet Jetset System), let’s spend a little time with the creator of the system.

The Lab Results Wed, 13 May 2020 19:41:11 +0000 The Lab Results – Most online marketers get sucked in by expensive leased cars and mansions. Don’t get me started on the fake screenshots and earnings reports.

And, it turns out a lot of those so called gurus are just rehashing the same old information, over and over.

Repackaging what the’ve learned, putingt a slight twist on it and handing it off to you.

The one big problem with this? Well there are several but the biggest?

It’s all based on theory. On speculation.

In other words, maybe what they teach kind of works.

For awhile.

It maybe works for one of your sites, but not another. Why?

Why are you able to use what they taught you to get one site skyrocketing up the SERPs and a virtually identical site just sits there on page 8?

Theory. Speculation.

So we noticed this pattern occurring over and over in our industry for years.

And so Matt Diggity, myself, and Mark Luckenbaugh met in secret in Vegas, crammed into this tiny little booth in the back of a jam packed restaurant, and as we chatted we realized something.

We realized that no one in the industry was basing their wins on actual results based on real, repeatable tests.

As we chatted further, we all had a common approach.

The way that we had all become so successful was by deciding early on that theory and speculation was just NOT going to cut it.

Not in this world where competition becomes more fierce everyday.

We also realized that we knew a very small handful of big earners online who held the same values that we did. People who don’t just teach. They do. They produce.

So on that day, in that tiny little backroom booth-The Lab was born.

Born out of absolute necessity to help you take our wins, plug them into your systems and way of doing things and get real results based on actual, reputable tests.

We were simply sick to death of seeing hard working people like you get rehashed info that stalls online businesses fast.

Introducing: The Lab

SO what is The Lab?

The Lab is access.

It’s a private, exclusive mastermind and coaching experience designed to help you stop playing small, and work directly with known industry leaders who have each created 7 figure businesses-to help you scale your own growth fast.

Does it have training content? Yes.

You’ll get an entire blueprint on how to excel in local, maps, affiliate, ecommerce, white hat, black hat, Facebook… the list goes on. Everything we share with you comes from test results and real-world case studies.

Are these mini courses from each Lab Coach?

Not at all. In fact there are over 400 videos the minute you log in. Each trainer has held absolutely nothing back, and as you’ll see in a minute, each one of these modules could and easily should sell for $1997 or more on their own.

But it’s so much more than that.

The Lab is about learning the best, directly from the best.

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:55 +0000 THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO AFFILIATE MARKETING
by Charles Ngo

Think about how the average person wakes up every morning.

I remember waking up at 6am every morning to an annoying alarm clock. It was a struggle every morning to get up.

When I finally woke up, I had to rush through my morning routine just so I could spend an hour stuck in traffic.

I felt like I was trading the prime years of my life away to make someone else richer. What sucked is everyone told me this is normal, and that I should be grateful I even had a job. Wow…is it just me or does everyone have low expectations in life?

Have you ever felt there’s more to life than just working and paying bills, but you just don’t know what options are out there?

9 to 5 is how you survive, I ain’t tryna survive. I’m tryna live it to the limit and love it a lot — Jay-Z
affiliate marketing course-for-beginners
Get the Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing in a PDF

Imagine waking up…naturally…when your body tells you to.

Your “commute” consists of putting some clothes on (that’s optional), and walking a few feet away to your laptop.

You log into a website that shows you made hundreds or even thousands of dollars over night.

How’s that possible? It’s the life I’ve been living for the past decade.

Keep reading and I’ll show you how.

affiliate marketing machine
IT’S 2018
It seems like everyone’s getting rich off the internet.

You hear about YouTubers pulling in 7-figures a year. Another 20 year old nerd makes a billion dollars off a startup.

rich youtubers
You’re wondering… ”How can I get a piece of the action?”

I want to tell you about an underground industry called affiliate marketing.

Have you ever noticed advertising banners whenever you’re surfing a website? Yea I know, sometimes they can be a little annoying :-).

But have you ever wondered what’s going on behind the scenes?

affiliate ads
Chances are that an affiliate marketer’s behind it.

Here’s the big picture of what an affiliate marketer does.

We buy banner space on websites using our own money.
We built a website that promotes another company’s product or service.
The company pays us a commission every time we make a sale.
We pocket the difference between the commission and how much we paid for the banner space.
Affiliate marketers help companies acquire customers and get paid a commission for each referral.

There are tons of business models online. Here’s why affiliate marketing is awesome.

You don’t hold any inventory. No need to stuff boxes in the corner of your garage.
You don’t have to sign any contracts. Don’t feel like working with a company anymore? Just stop.
You don’t have to deal with customers. Ever.
You can work from anywhere in the world. (I spent 3 years living overseas in Asia while running my campaigns).
It’s great if you’re an introvert because everything’s done from behind your laptop. You don’t have to go on client meetings, conferences, or put yourself out there if you don’t want to.
You can make tons of money. Generating 4 – 5 figures profit+ a day is not unheard of.
You just focus on marketing.

The affiliate marketing industry is ripe with opportunity and it’s not too late for you to get a piece of it.

affiliate marketing course for newbies
I know how overwhelming it can be to try to learn affiliate marketing.

One person’s telling you this thing. Another “expert” is telling you the exact opposite. On top of that they’re using all these words you’ve never heard of before.

There’s so much information out there and you’re not sure if what you’re learning is outdated or even wrong.

It’s frustrating isn’t it?

I’ve been blogging about affiliate marketing for almost 5 years now, and I’m 250+ articles deep at this point. I’m always trying to add more value to you guys and I realized I needed to create a master affiliate marketing course.

A simple guide that broke everything down into a step by step system. This guide is it.

Trust me, this affiliate marketing guide wasn’t easy to create.

It took me and my team several hundred hours to create the content, and I’ve invested over 5-figures to create the beautiful platform you’re seeing.

We took feedback from hundreds of people in order to improve the guide.

This guide is truly next level, and I decided to give it away 100% free.

No catch.
