Influencer Marketing – Digital Marketing Supermarket Marketplace for Digital Marketing Tools and Courses Thu, 04 Nov 2021 09:43:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grow Your Business with Instagram Wed, 05 May 2021 17:05:21 +0000 Grow Your Business with Instagram

How do you build an engaged following and increase your sales on Instagram?

Is it about using the right hashtags? Taking the perfect photo? Posting at the right time?

If you want to learn how to build an engaged audience of buyers for your product, you’re in the right place to learn.

Your instructor, Gretta van Riel, is one of Australia’s top young serial entrepreneurs. With five multi-million dollar startups under her belt, Gretta prides herself on turning audiences into brands and trends into markets. She loves Instagram and has amassed over 16 million followers (bot-free) on 25 accounts on Instagram.

In this course, you‘ll get the behind-the-scenes strategies and templates you can use to 10x your following and (ideally your customers) on Instagram.


Welcome to the Course!

3 Reasons to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business

How to Set Up Your Instagram Business Account

How to Audit Your Instagram Page

Frequently Asked Questions

01 |How to Build An Engaged Following on Instagram

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

Discover Your Niche to Turn Viewers into Followers

10 Ways to Find and Engage 1000 Raving Fans

Workshop: How to Build an Engaged Following

02 |How to Create Content that Converts Followers to Customers

The 7 Elements of an Instagram Post

Content Curation vs. Content Creation

3 Content Strategies that Provide Real Value

How to Create Video Content on a Budget

How to Create an Engaging Instagram Story

3 Keys to Hosting a Successful Instagram Live

Workshop: How to Create Content that Converts Followers to Customers

03 | Halfway There…

Check in with your Progress

04 |How to Create an Instagram Sales Funnel

The 5 Stages of the Instagram Sales Funnel

The ‘Pirate’ Framework that Can Take You From Zero to a Million Dollars

Awareness: 9 Methods to Generate Awareness

Activation: Turns Followers into Subscribers

Revenue: How to Use Shoppable Posts

Retention & Referral: 3 Methods to Create a Customer Connection

How to Use Instagram Analytics

Workshop: How to Create an Instagram Sales Funnel

05 |How to Make more Sales with Influencer Marketing

The Value of Influencers

How to Find the Right Influencers for Your Business

How to Create a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign

How to Reach Out and Brief an Influencer

Tracking Results to Evaluate Influencer Success

#FinishLine: Gretta’s Final Words of Wisdom

Workshop: How to Make more Sales with Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing with Daymond John Wed, 05 May 2021 17:21:12 +0000 Influencer Marketing with Daymond John

In this mini-course, taught by Daymond John, learn his tips for finding your brand evangelist and leveraging the power of influencer marketing.

How to leverage an influencer’s network
How to create a partner in a brand
How to manage exponential growth
Module 1: How to Get Started with Influencer Marketing

Lesson 1: How to Leverage an Influencer’s Network

Lesson 2: A ‘No’ is an ‘Absolute Maybe’

01 |Module 2: How to Find Your Brand Evangelist

Lesson 1: How to Create a Partner in the Brand

Lesson 2: When an Influencer Doesn’t Like a Product or Vision for the Company

02 |Module 3: Take Charge of your Marketing Destiny

Lesson 1: You’ve Already Got Past the Hardest Part

Lesson 2: How to Manage Exponential Growth

Intro to Buzzstream: A Digital Marketing, SEO & PR Tool Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:58 +0000 Intro to Buzzstream: A Digital Marketing, SEO & PR Tool
Discover relevant authors in your niche and build personalized relationships with them at scale.
What you’ll learn
Use the Buzzstream software to send personalized emails at scale to relevant people.
Discover and connect with bloggers and other authors in your niche for business development purposes.
Students do not need any prior knowledge or experience.
This course is designed as an introduction to the popular link building, PR, and business development tool called Buzzstream. Learning how to use Buzzstream can empower digital marketers to scale personalized relationship building with bloggers, influencers, and other members of the media.

The course shows both the instructor and an over-the-shoulder walk through of the basic components of the platform. It is aimed primarily at newcomers looking for a window into Buzzstream.

Learning how to use the service will enable you to conduct real outreach to influencers in your niche. By building mutually beneficial relationships with these people, you can become a helpful member of the your niche’s community. In turn, you can also romote your content.

Content promotion is essential to the content marketing process. You may have the best blog post, infographic, video, or other media. However, that is all but useless if nobody else sees it. The real reward from great content comes from sharing it with the right people.

Developing quality relationships with like-minded bloggers and members of the media is can lead to references to your content, earned backlinks, and relevant traffic. This is exactly what most people need more of in order to generate more conversions.

If you want to spread awareness of your website to the exact people who can make it go viral, you owe it to yourself to learn how to use Buzzstream. A courtesy review copy was provided.

Who this course is for:
People with an online presence who could benefit from digital marketing.

The Six Secrets to Successful Influencer Campaigns Sat, 08 May 2021 16:11:57 +0000 The Six Secrets to Successful Influencer Campaigns
Influencer marketing flat-out works. Why? Because people trust their peers, friends, and people they admire more than the brands selling products and services they use. Working successfully with the right influencers in the right way can help your brand reach larger, more engaged audiences… and ultimately boost your bottom line.

If you’re thinking about launching an influencer program, or want to boost the effectiveness of your existing efforts, this is the course you’ve been waiting for! In The Six Secrets of Successful Influencer Campaigns, you’ll discover how to develop and deploy thoughtful, high-performing campaigns for your brand.

You’ll learn it all: From selecting your goals and defining your audience, to identifying potential influencers, executing your plan, and measuring results—it’s all here for you. Plus, influencer-marketing veteran Jason Falls will walk you through how you can apply the methodology to your own company and campaigns.

Ready? Let’s go.

1 How to build a case for influencer marketing and get stakeholder buy-in
2 The six elements you need to build an influencer marketing campaign
3 How to apply each element to your organization and pinpoint the key areas you need to develop your own initial influencer marketing plan
