Lead Generation – Digital Marketing Supermarket https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com Marketplace for Digital Marketing Tools and Courses Sun, 25 Sep 2022 21:33:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Become a Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Expert https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/become-a-certified-conversion-rate-optimization-expert/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=192 Become a Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Expert
…and learn how to identify exactly where to focus optimization efforts to increase conversion rates

When You’re Done, You’ll Have DigitalMarketer’s Proven 8-Step Optimization Process For Turning Existing Traffic Into More Leads And More Sales, And You’ll Truly Become A…
Conversion Rate Optimization Expert
(…and you’ll know when and HOW to do this for any business)
Optimization Process
Unfortunately, most marketers just don’t get it!

When it comes to testing & optimizing pages and offers, they either don’t test at all…

…ONLY test when they see low conversions…

…or only test what other people tell them they’re supposed to test.

That type of “I hope this helps” optimization just won’t cut it anymore! Not only is it not improving conversions, it’s almost certainly costing you money!

If you actually want to generate real and meaningful increases in your leads and sales, then you need to do more.

You need a PROVEN process in place to tell you exactly what (and when) to test!

But how do you build a “process” that systematically converts mediocre offers into winners and turns existing winners into breakout cash cows…

…one that will work for any business, any website, any offer?

Fortunately, that’s exactly what you’re about to learn…

FACT: Businesses NEED Optimization Experts
(…Who Actually Know What They’re Doing)
All businesses need a way to optimize the traffic they’re already getting to generate more leads and more sales.

They need a proven and repeatable process to identify exactly where they should focus optimization efforts to truly “move the needle” in their business.

I’m not going to sell you on the importance of split testing and conversion rate optimization.

If you’re here, you know how important even the slightest increase in conversions can mean to a business.

In other words, you know that increasing your conversion rate means more leads and more sales, all from the traffic that you’re already getting.

So that’s why businesses need Conversion Rate Optimization Experts.

There’s just one problem: Most so-called “conversion experts” don’t know what they’re doing…

That’s where YOU come in.

As a Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Specialist, you are uniquely qualified to help brands convert their existing traffic into even more leads and sales.

More specifically, in this master class, you’ll learn:

The critical pages that need immediate optimization (and these probably aren’t your worst performing pages)…
The key metrics that actually increase the bottom line (get this wrong and you’ll waste your time and money on useless testing)…
The 3 crucial factors for prioritizing your optimization campaigns (we’ll show you how to rank them)…
How to use Case Studies to improve optimization (and which type work the best)…
Our proven formula for developing a rock solid hypothesis (this will give valuable insights regardless of your campaign’s outcome)…
The 3 most effective tools for collecting user data (and how to use them, step-by-step)…
How to qualify split tests (and the one crucial question most optimizers forget to ask when starting)…
The three outcomes of any split test (and why most marketers ignore one of these outcomes, which is a huge mistake)…
Know when and how to schedule tests (get this wrong and your data will be skewed)…
Know how to create a report to show your findings so that the test gets implemented appropriately, so YOU get the credit you so richly deserve (we’re giving you the exact same report template we use every day)
Get a crash course in other valuable optimization methods that “move the needle” (including personalization, low traffic testing techniques, landing page optimization), and more…
In short, Certified Conversion Rate Optimization Specialists (a.k.a. “Conversion Masters”) are able to not only deliver more leads and customers… they have a proven and repeatable process to deliver those increased leads and customers with the traffic they’re are already getting!

If you’re interested in becoming such a “Conversion Master,” then I have one question for you…

Become a Certified Funnel Optimization Specialist https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/become-a-certified-funnel-optimization-specialist/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=188 Become a Certified
Funnel Optimization Specialist
…and learn how to develop meaningful relationships with your customers and automate the customer acquisition process

Does your business have a funnel?

Better question: Do you even know what a “conversion funnel” is?

In case you don’t, here’s a quick definition…

A funnel is a multi-step, multi-modality campaign that seamlessly and subtly leads a prospect towards a desired action.

In other words, a well-optimized “funnel” allows you to sell…without selling.

They are the secret to promoting your product or service without being pushy or creepy.

More importantly…

Conversion Funnels Allow You To Fully Automate the Entire Customer Acquisition Process…
The fact is, most businesses have some sort of “funnel” for generating leads and converting those leads into paying customers, but very few have a truly OPTIMIZED funnel.

That’s where you come in.

As a Certified Customer Value Optimization Specialist, you’ll know how to architect a “conversion funnel” that gives businesses exactly what they want:

MORE customers, that are…
MORE valuable, yet…

Read that again because it’s important. (It’s also the key to unstoppable business growth.)

If you want your company to grow, then you need a proven, repeatable system that on-boards new leads and then converts those leads into customers…ideally at a profit.

Because if you can do that…if you can create a proven, repeatable system that maximizes immediate customer value while simultaneously reducing acquisition costs…you will have cracked the code to business growth.

Your company will be unstoppable, and you will possess the single most valuable skill any marketer can ever possess: The ability to create customers out of thin air.

And that’s exactly what you’re going to be able to do after you complete this class…

In addition to learning our step-by-step plan for rolling out new conversion funnels (for virtually any type of business) from scratch, you’ll also learn:

How to optimize all of your existing marketing funnels by applying the “5 Things” methodology
The L x c x m x f = GP formula that consistently doubles revenues…
One change you can make to your funnel to instantly get more leads, subscribers, and ultimately customers. (Hint: It has NOTHING to do with your ad, your headline, your landing page, or your copy.)
The simple tweak we made for a manufacturing client that brought in a 2,000% increase in leads!
How to craft a “Statement of Value” that perfectly positions any product or service, and gives your ideal customers EXACTLY what they want (even when they don’t even know they want it…)
The 5 “Specifics” that make up a winning Lead Magnet…
The right way to use coupons and discounts in funnels that works for both online and offline businesses…
How to select the right “Tripwire” for any business. (Includes 7 examples you can model.)
The two types of doubt almost every customer experiences, and how to boost conversions by inoculating against them ahead of time.
How to use “bundling” to de-commoditize a commodity product or service…
How we resolved a client’s #1 customer complaint while simultaneously DOUBLING their profit margin. (This works in literally any business…even if your customers aren’t complaining.)
The 3 little words that can be added to the back of any conversion funnel that’s been responsible for bumping average profit per customer by 200%.
How to deploy an automated, 5-phase followup system that converts more leads into buyers, and more buyers into multi-buyers…
…and much, much more.
In short, Customer Value Optimization Specialists (a.k.a. “Funnel Experts”) are able to not only deliver fresh leads and customers…they are able to deliver those leads and customers at a PROFIT.

If you’re interested in becoming such a “Funnel Master,” then I have one question for you…

Are You A “Doer”…or Just a “Talker?”
(or…Why You Might Want To Get Certified)
Let’s face it: Marketing experts are a dime a dozen.

So how do you separate those who “walk the talk” from the ones who merely…


That’s the problem!

And at DigitalMarketer, it was our problem, too. You see, we don’t just teach marketing best practices, we actually DO MARKETING for businesses that we ACTUALLY OWN.

We aren’t researchers. We aren’t journalists.

We’re business owners running companies (both online and offline) in B2B and B2C markets selling everything from cosmetics to camping equipment to industrial water filters and everything in-between.


…so we know how hard it is to find truly skilled people who know what they’re talking about.

And that’s why we created the “Conversion Funnel Mastery” course and certification.

We built this certification to train our own team members, but in the spirit of “open sourcing” our business (which is what DigitalMarketer is all about) we’re now making this certification and training available to the world.

Build A Quiz To Attract New Qualified Leads https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/build-a-quiz-to-attract-new-qualified-leads/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=208 Build A Quiz To Attract New Qualified Leads
In this new workshop, you’ll create your very own quiz that generates THOUSANDS of red-hot leads for your business… 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Here’s What We’ll Create Together…
In this workshop, you’ll work with digital marketing expert & author (and Inc. 500 CEO), Ryan Levesque, to create a viral quiz that quickly builds a MASSIVE list of qualified leads… without spending a dime.

In just a few short hours you’ll…
Work hand-in-hand with Quiz Funnel pioneer Ryan Levesque to build 3 completely custom quiz frameworks that are proven to drive THOUSANDS of QUALIFIED leads to your business… even in “boring” or “straight-laced” industries.
Leverage Ryan’s secret solution for segmenting your quiz takers into 3–5 specific “buckets” so that your new leads are getting the RIGHT follow-up offer at the RIGHT time.
Craft an engaging and entertaining quiz that hits your audience’s specific psychological triggers… and primes them for the sale without driving them away.
Discover secret strategies for split testing your quizzes to make sure you’re hitting the right pain points and triggers for your audience… every time.
Seamlessly integrate your offer into the back end of each of your quizzes to capitalize on your “layup leads” and drive IMMEDIATE sales…
…By the time you’re finished, you’ll have a completed, lead-generating quiz that both segments your audience AND drives immediate conversions.

Enroll today, and you’ll be constantly driving free, red-hot leads to your business… 24 hours a day… 365 days a year…

Here’s a sample of what you’ll receive…
You’ll Get…
The Quiz Funnel Pioneer’s Tested & Proven Blueprint for Generating 52,000 Leads… Per Day

In this training, you’ll work directly with THE authority on Quiz Funnels (and Inc. 500 CEO), Ryan Levesque to create a full acquisition funnel that hooks leads with a viral quiz and converts them to buyers using Ryan’s proven “Attract → Diagnose → Prescribe” formula…

…And it is proven. Ryan uses this exact strategy to generate 52,000 subscribers… PER DAY (for a total of 4.2 MILLION leads).

And he’s going to show you, step-by-step, how to do the same for your business in this brand new training.

Quiz Campaign Custom-Tailored to Your Business

In this new workshop, you’ll follow a proven, step-by-step process to answer the question that every marketer should be asking…

“How am I going to get (MORE) leads this month?”

This is the meat and potatoes of this workshop. You’ll use 2 fill-in-the-blank templates to craft a quiz that not only hooks new leads and subscribers, but moves your new leads to the “buy” phase as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Highly Effective Strategies You Can Deploy for Your Business in Hours… Not Weeks.

The process of generating TENS of THOUSANDS of leads used to be incredibly time consuming and very, very expensive… luckily, things have changed.

Learn how to create a quiz that immediately hooks your viewer and why Ryan Levesque’s methods for quiz creation are widely regarded as the “industry standard.” And don’t worry… the strategies in this training have been rigorously tested and PROVEN to work… even in a “boring” or “straightlaced” industries.

Craft a High-Converting Instagram Ad from Scratch https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/craft-a-high-converting-instagram-ad-from-scratch/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=210 Craft a High-Converting Instagram Ad from Scratch
Let’s create an eye-catching and engaging Instagram ad that converts passive “scrollers” into red-hot leads and buyers.

Here’s What We’ll Create Together
In this brand-new training, you’ll leverage Tier 11 CEO (and Perpetual Traffic podcast host) Ralph Burns’ secret, step-by-step formula to construct a tailored-to-your-business ad that not only drives leads and sales from Instagram… it also integrates with Facebook to generate the highest ROI possible for your business.

You’ll also…

Leverage Ralph Burns’ proven model to create AT LEAST one fully-functioning Instagram ad that converts… and how you can apply this over and over again to achieve similar results
Discover how Instagram fits with your overall media buying strategy and how to get the highest ROI possible out of both your Instagram AND Facebook ad campaigns.
Learn the ins-and-outs of the Instagram/Facebook ad platform and what to do (and what not to do) to be successful… from a paid media expert that manages a portfolio of accounts in over 30 industries with an annual spend in excess of $50 million.
Follow a proven, step-by-step process for determining the best ad type for your business and what an effective ad in your industry looks like.
Understand the differences between Facebook and Instagram placement optimization, and learn how to reach new leads at the most critical stage in the Customer Value Journey.
Optimize every aspect of your Instagram ads to amplify your business’ reach and attract more customers at the highest ROI possible.
Utilize 8 of Ralph’s fill-in-the-blank script templates to make crafting multiple high-converting Instagram video ads as easy as “FILL IN THE BLANK & PRESS RECORD”…

…By the time you’re finished, you’ll have a fully-customized, high-converting Instagram ad that both generates leads AND drives immediate conversions.

Enroll today, and let’s start building YOUR high-converting Instagram ad that drives leads and sales…… 24 hours a day… 365 days a year…

What You’ll Learn & Leverage
Fill-in-the-Blank Templates for Creating an Instagram Ad That Flat-Out Converts
You will NOT leave this training empty-handed. Not only will Ralph take you, step-by-step through the process of outlining, creating, and optimizing your brand new Instagram ad, he’ll provide you with 8 fill-in-the-blank templates that make crafting Instagram ads virtually effortless.

In fact, these are the exact same templates Ralph uses when creating ads for his clients… Clients that have gone on to generate MILLIONS of dollars in revenue directly from Ralph’s methods.

Go From Instagram ZERO (experience) to Lead-Generating, Revenue-Boosting, Paid Media HERO
Never advertised on Instagram (or Facebook) before?

No problem.

Ralph Burns will give you a crash course on the ad platform along with some tips, tricks, and shortcuts for publishing your brand new ad. In his 10 years of digital advertising, Ralph has seen the good, the bad, and the just plain ugly when it comes to Instagram and Facebook ads. Now, you’re going to leverage all of his insider knowledge to craft an ad that grows your brand, quickly and effectively.

Highly Effective Strategies You Can Deploy for Your Business in a Matter of Hours… NOT Weeks.
This workshop is designed for SPEED. After just a few hours of “work” you’ll have a fully-functioning Instagram ad that drives traffic, leads, and sales to your business. Plus, you’ll have a repeatable process for creating Instagram ads moving forward.

And time is of the essence. After all, with each passing second that you’re NOT using Instagram to its full potential, you are losing leads and sales. This your opportunity to quickly make an impact…not only on your bottom line, but your brand, and your career as well.

Digital Marketing Course to become Expert Digital Marketer https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/digital-marketing-course-to-become-expert-digital-marketer/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:56 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=262 Digital Marketing Course to become Expert Digital Marketer
Become an Digital Marketing Expert start learning from fundamentals! Strong digital marketing fundamentals great learn!

What you’ll learn
Build your own website without coding & practice all digital marketing tactics on it.
Develop your own digital marketing strategy
Implement all the digital marketing techniques like google adwords, social media marketing, email marketing, etc..
Make money as a freelancer with adsense & affiliate marketing as a part of digital marketing
Learn Tips & Tricks to excel your all types of digital marketing campaigns
No prior digital marketing & technical understanding needed – enthusiasm is all that’s necessary!
No prior digital marketing or website or seo
Objective of Training Program

To make you an expert in marketing a business online by making you learn and understand how to do digital marketing & Start learning from Fundamentals.
To make you earn money online by doing affiliate marketing and adsense blogging as a part time or full time freelancer.
Outcome Of Training Program
After successful completion of the training program, you not only become capable to track and monitor digital marketing performance, but, you will be able to plan, conceptualize and implement Digital Marketing strategy yourself.
Put simply, you become an expert in marketing any business online.

Training Process

The training starts with Digital Marketing Overview wherein you learn the basics of digital marketing that help you build a strong base for the practical sessions that follow.
Then, to provide hands-on-practical exposure, you create a website. The purpose behind creating a website is to provide you a practical exposure of every component. Actually, you are not just learning digital marketing, you are actually doing it.
Once you have the basics in order and your website is up and running, the training kick starts to more advanced digital marketing modules wherein you learn SEO, PPC Advertising, Google Analytics, E-mail marketing, Mobile Web Marketing and Online Advertising.
Another interesting component in this digital marketing training program is Social Media Marketing comprising of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Video and Viral marketing. Keeping modern day business requirements in mind, this training has a very important component, i.e., Lead generation for business. Under this component, you not only learn how to generate potential business leads but, also how to convert those leads into sales and increase your business revenue.
Our team of renowned Affiliate marketers will train and share tips and tricks on how you can make money online with Affiliate Marketing and AdSense Blogging. So, this means you can mint money online anytime, as a part-time or full-time freelancer…All you need is a laptop and an internet connection!
Once your training is over and you are well versed practically with all the components, you are awarded an industry recognized certification .
Advance digital marketing course with 24+ hours video lectures includes 17 modules as follow

Digital Marketing and Overview
Website Planning & Creation
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Marketing or Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Social Media Marketing
Facebook Marketing
LinkedIn Marketing
Twitter Marketing
YouTube Marketing
Email Marketing
Lead Generation
Online Display Advertising
Mobile Marketing
Content Marketing
Online Reputation Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy

Who this course is for:
Anybody who would like to learn digital marketing
Anybody who would like to implement digital marketing for his or her business
Anybody who would like to grow his career with digital marketing
Anybody who wants to make money through digital marketing or adsense

Digital Marketing on Linkedin https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/digital-marketing-on-linkedin/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:58 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=317 Digital Marketing on Linkedin
Any effective social media marketing plan must include a social networking platform customer acquisition strategy.

What you’ll learn
By the end of this course student(s) will have mastered Linkedin Marketing
Students will have a thorough understanding of all critical areas of Linkedin marketing
Students will be able to drive geo-targeted keyword traffic to their profiles and websites
Students will have the ability to download all course materail to their desktop, laptop or tablet device

High speed Internet connection

Social media marketing is a must for the success of your products and services. Very few websites have the ability to so overwhelmingly increase business prestige as does Linkedin. Boasting more than 235 million members and a global reach of hundreds of millions more, this website can immediately enhance brand presence as well as profits.

Here are just a few benefits of taking this course;

Increase brand visibility with clients and customers
Immediate access to business partnerships and investors
Amplify social media brand messaging with eager buyers
Increase website traffic and build profits
Long-term, organic search indexing on Google, Yahoo and Bing
Immediate placement of your sales messaging above that of competitors
Increased profits and ROI
Niche marketing of your products and services on Linkedin can build long-term, geo-targeted website traffic with those most likely to take advantage of your offer(s). Join us for profit impacting, video tutorial training NOW!

Free Video Viewers – to view in best quality which is 720HD, once video is launched, go to bottom right area of video player and switch from ‘360’ to 720HD.

Who this course is for:
Entrepreneurs and small business owners seeking to increase traffic to products and services

Hybrid Lead Generation https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/hybrid-lead-generation/ Wed, 24 Mar 2021 17:23:08 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?post_type=course&p=71494 Hybrid Lead Generation
Learn the step-by-step process of rank and rent with Mike Martin’s Hybrid Lead Generation. You’ll walk away with everything you need to know to choose your niche, build a site, get a Google My Business listing, and get that site to rank in your target location. Martin closes the loop with the exact process you need to rent your site out and profit from leads.

Unlimited platform access for $89 / month.


What’s in the Course
Getting Started
Building your Site
Renting out your Sites
The End Game

Mike Martin has been in lead generation for over 10 years running one of the biggest independently owned lead generation companies in the UK with over 800 subcontractors and lead buyers all from the comfort of his own home.

Mike taken the old rank and rent model, put it together with pay per lead and created an amazing business that runs itself using his Lead Simplify software. He has also got a seven-figure income on virtually complete autopilot.

You might know him as the creator of the Hybrid Lead Generation Method.


Instagram Domination Method https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/instagram-domination-method/ Thu, 14 May 2020 13:45:11 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=384 HOW TO GO FROM 0 TO 500K+ FOLLOWERS IN 12 MONTHS

The Instagram Domination Method – The secret method that enabled Foundr to generate 500k followers in 12 months & 1m+ in 2 years
How to create content the RIGHT WAY that gets an insane amount of engagement
“The Bio Formula” How to generate over 20,000+ clicks to your website in 1 month using just Instagram
How to know what content to create that attracts your target audience to follow your page, like your content, share with their friends and buy your products and services
A case study on how we built a FRESH new 6 figure e-commerce business in 6 months using ONLY Instagram and how in it’s most recent month generated $45K+ and over 1000+ new customers spending $0 in acquisition on Instagram
How to create ‘Money Posts’ that effortlessly turn your fans into customer WITHOUT being ‘salesy’ or spammy
CEO & Publisher of Foundr Magazine

Nathan Chan is the CEO & Publisher of Foundr Magazine, a digital and print magazine for entrepreneurs and founders. Nathan launched Foundr in March 2013 from his bedroom and in a small period of time it has become a top 10 ranked ‘Business & Investing Magazine’ on the app store and now has millions of entrepreneurs consuming the brands content every month. Nathan was a finalist for Publisher of the Year for 2014 in the Digital Magazine awards. He also has had the pleasure of interviewing some of the most accomplished entrepreneurs around the world namely Sir Richard Branson, Mark Cuban & Arianna Huffington and many more.

Launch A YouTube Ad to Attract New Leads & Customers https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/launch-a-youtube-ad-to-attract-new-leads-customers/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=206 Launch A YouTube Ad to Attract New Leads & Customers
Learn how to launch a video ad on YouTube to a cold audience, and watch that ad get you more qualified leads and sales.
Here’s What We’ll Create Together
In this workshop, YouTube ad expert Tom Breeze will show you exactly how to set up & position your video ads to score a constant stream of qualified leads AND how to scale your ads into winning, money-generating campaigns.

Learn the 6 elements every winning video ad needs to get your audience’s attention, hold it, and convert them into buyers over and over again
Use 3 fill-in-the-blank worksheets to set up your account, outline the perfect video, and audit your YouTube campaigns for the highest ROI possible
Follow Tom’s step-by-step process for setting up a dashboard that accurately tracks every aspect of your video ad campaign that matters
Determine exactly what your audience is searching for on YouTube to get your ads in prime position to generate better leads
Leverage proven targeting techniques that put your video ad in front of your ideal customer—brand awareness NOT required
Pull the right levers to support the growth of your campaigns, reach new prospects, and convert them to repeat buyers
By the time you’ve completed this workshop, you’ll have deployed 2 expertly-targeted YouTube ad campaigns that convert an ice-cold audience to red-hot buyers of your product or service.

What You’ll Learn & Leverage
A Proven System For Lead Acquisition That DOESN’T Rely On Facebook…
With rising costs and the unpredictability of the Facebook ad platform, now more than ever you should be diversifying your online traffic sources. And, because most marketers are only serving their prospects generic Facebook ads, YouTube offers a relatively low-cost alternative for getting hot leads… and selling to them! There’s virtually no reason not to put YouTube ads to work for you.

Easy To Follow Strategies That Take The “Scaries” Out Of YouTube Advertising.
Tom’s step-by-step process outlines everything you need to build a series of profitable video ad campaigns that attract new customers. You’ll learn how advertisers effectively place their ads in front of an audience who’s already interested in their product or service. Plus, Tom will show you how to set up your YouTube account and analytics dashboards that track your audience through every step of your funnel, making it easy to see how your ads are performing, and when to optimize and scale to reach more prospects.

Learn And Leverage Your Audience’s Search Habits To Gain Their Business.
YouTube isn’t a social platform—it’s a search engine, and one that gets 30 million visitors per day. That makes it an awesome opportunity for marketers to uniquely position their offers using keywords their prospects are already searching for. With Tom’s easy-to-follow instructions you’ll get your video ad in front of a cold audience, AND convert your viewers into red hot sales!

It’s not rocket science—but it is YouTube science.

Get Instant Access
Instructor: Tom Breeze
Lessons: 4
Length: 7 hours, 35 minutes
Access: Lifetime Access
Topics Discussed

Video Marketing
Paid Traffic
Video Advertising
YouTube Marketing

Tom Breeze

CEO – Viewability

Tom Breeze is founder and CEO of Viewability, a company specialising in YouTube Advertising, boasting an impressive client list of international personal and corporate brands.

With a “Pay For Results” financial model, Viewability have rapidly become one of the largest performance-based YouTube Advertising agencies worldwide.

Tom is also a speaker, author and consultant, teaching businesses around the world how to advertise successfully on YouTube.

This workshop was great (I am a total newbie to YT ads), Tom spoke clearly and walked us through step by step how to set up our YT account and create a successful campaign. He had great tips about how to create a script to optimize click-throughs before 30sec (view rate) as well as budgeting and analyzing the numbers in order to optimize. I left with a new perspective of YT ads opportunities! – Jamie Kuperman

Join this Now for $295

Get Instant Access
You’re Missing Out On 1.9 BILLION (and counting) Opportunities To Grow Your Business

That’s how many opportunities there are just waiting to be introduced to you and your brand…1.9 bill-i-on—it’s not a lot if you say it real fast. 🙂

Where are these opportunities? They reside on the world’s 2nd-largest search engine…

YouTube. And make no mistake–The ‘Tube is a search engine. In fact, with 3 billion searches per month, YouTube’s search volume is larger than that of Bing, Yahoo, AOL and Ask.com…


And yet, only 9% of small businesses are leveraging YouTube advertising to drive leads and sales.

Do you know what that means?

It means that those 1.9 BILLION active users are being hit with the same ads from that same 9% of small businesses.

It also means that YouTube is a virtually untapped platform that savvy, serious marketers can use to handpick red hot leads and convert those leads into repeat buyers of your product or service.

But the question remains: what good are YouTube’s 1,900,000,000 (and counting) active users if you aren’t leveraging the platform to drive them into the waiting arms of your brand?

Luckily, DigitalMarketer has THE YouTube advertising expert on the faculty to show you exactly how to get the most out of your YouTube ads and capitalize on those 1.9 billion leads just waiting to hear your message…

Marketing Programs that Power Customer Acquisition https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/course/marketing-programs-that-power-customer-acquisition/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:58 +0000 https://digitalmarketingsupermarket.com/?p=337 Marketing Programs that Power Customer Acquisition

How are you going to create demand for your products and services? This course examines eleven marketing programs in depth, including email marketing, SEO, content marketing, and advertising, with examples so you can apply the right ones to your business. Learn tactics for deploying the marketing programs you choose, see examples of programs in use, and learn about possible impacts on your overall marketing budget.

This course was created by EntrepreneurNOW. We are please to offer this training in our library.
Topics include:
How marketing programs impact budgets
Measuring the success of marketing programs
Identifying the timeframe for your chosen programs
Fitting marketing in with you other business strategies
