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SEO Client Prospecting and Pitch (Series)
Why this series?

SEO client prospecting is an essential step in client acquisition, as it creates a pipeline of potential customers, provides a narrow focus on the right accounts, and helps to position an agency as a trusted advisor. Without effective prospecting, you might be wasting valuable time, money, and resources.  But how do you find those clients, what tools should you use, and how do you determine if they’re “the one”? The lessons in this series present various methods of attracting and finding clients to pitch.

Prospective clients often see proposals that are generic, boring, and possibly even irrelevant to their site. To set themselves apart, agencies need to uncover insights and opportunities using the client’s specific data, in order to demonstrate what the strategy will be. In this course, the student will learn how to research a prospect’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and create an impressive and customized report for the pitch.

Here are some of the highlights from this series:

Why prospecting is so essential before you approach a client
Where prospecting falls in the Sales Funnel
What is Lifetime Customer Value (LCV)?
How to create Buyer Personas for prospecting
Tips for creating a compelling case study
Multiple methods of mining for prospects
Prioritizing prospects
Tips for contacting a prospect for the first time
How to organize a prospect’s content strategy by creating a client framework
How to identify a prospect’s content strengths and weaknesses
Uncover threats and issues the prospect may not even be aware of
Create a customized, comprehensive report with the data collected
How to interpret the data to your prospect for a memorable and personalized pitch

The Fundamentals of SEO Client Prospecting Sun, 21 Mar 2021 20:35:56 +0000 The Fundamentals of SEO Client Prospecting
About this course

What is client prospecting, and why is it so important?

SEO client prospecting is an essential step in client acquisition, as it creates a pipeline of potential customers, provides a narrow focus on the right accounts, and helps to position an agency as a trusted advisor.  However, before learning how to prospect, it’s important to know the who, what, and why.

In this course, we explain the basics of SEO client prospecting, including:

The definition of prospecting
Why it’s so essential before you approach a client
What happens to your sales funnel when prospecting is missing
What is Lifetime Customer Value (LCV)?
Why LCV matters
How to calculate LCV
The Client Sales Funnel
Where prospecting falls in the Sales Funnel
What are Buyer Personas?
How to create Buyer Personas for prospecting

By the end of this course, you’ll have a firm understanding of the fundamentals of prospecting for a client, and a solid foundation for learning best practices.
