Social Media – Digital Marketing Supermarket Marketplace for Digital Marketing Tools and Courses Sun, 25 Sep 2022 21:35:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 34 Digital Marketing Hacks – Improve Social Media Marketing Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:56 +0000 Digital Marketing Hacks for Facebook Marketing, Youtube Marketing, Instagram Marketing, Pinterest, LinkedIn & SEO

What you’ll learn
Maximize Engagement on Instagram
Get 400% More Subscribers on YouTube
Get More Traffic Using SEO
Get Ahead of Competition with Adwords
Blog Content Tool for SEO
7 Way to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Page
Design Clickable Thumbnails on YouTube
Get Top Hashtags on Instagram
Get 10x More Traffic, Leads & Sales with Quora
Get Leads on LinkedIn
No Knowledge Required
50 Digital Marketing – Secret Hacks That’ll Get People to Your Website, Grow Your Brand & Drive More Sales!

Learn how You Can Get Instant Results using Easy Digital Marketing Hacks That We’ll Share In This Course.

Are You Ready to Sell more Products, Get more Clients & Grow your Business using Digital Marketing?

Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews…

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “So helpful! I’ve learned so much in just the first three lectures!” – Lorian Pecker

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Very informative and gave me so many ideas to improve my internet presence! Thank you!” – Marjorie

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Awesome course. It has a lot of helpful content on digital marketing secrets. Thank you.” – Bobbie Smith

This Course Includes Secret Hacks From…

Facebook Marketing

YouTube Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Pinterest Marketing

Quora Marketing

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


Bonus Section Including The Content Marketing Machine!

In this section, we’ll teach you how to create valuable content to grow your following across 7 different Digital Marketing platform from one video!

We start on YouTube, move on to your WordPress website, then to Quora, then Twitter, then Instagram, then Facebook and last we’re uploading content to Pinterest.

Enroll in this Digital Marketing Hacks Course Now to get the most effective hacks to success!

See You in The Course!

– Love Robin & Jesper

Who this course is for:
Anyone Struggling to Get Traffic and Sales
Anyone Looking to lLearn New Digital Marketing Growth Hacks
Anyone Wants to Build a Brand and a Fan Base on Social Media
If You’re New In Business & Want to Market Effectively

Become a Certified Community Manager Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 Become a Certified Community Manager
…and learn how to leverage Facebook Groups, forums and social platforms to build a community that will drive leads, sales and customer loyalty.

Finally, You’ll Have…
A proven strategy for creating and growing a thriving online community that impacts your business’ bottom line
Community Diagram
Building a community is like throwing a party.

You hang the disco ball, set out the party snacks, and start playing that playlist you spent hours curating, but then something terrible happens…

…no one shows up!

Why? Because you don’t have the commitment from the audience you actually want to serve.

There’s a different kind of party, one much more favorable, that you can learn how to create with a little help from this certification.

It’s the kind of party where you only invite a few people, and 200 guests show up — scary for a high schooler whose parents are out of town, but for a company that is trying to build brand awareness or increase loyalty, this is a dream come true.

When you know how to invite the right people, with the same common goal, your community members will likely do the heavy lifting for you and invite everyone they know.

But then, a lamp breaks.

With so many people in the house, you can feel the chaos intensifying and you think…

“What did I get myself into?!”

As a Community Management Master, you’ll have all the tools to put out any fires, and even stop them before they happen!

For too long, brands have considered online communities to be an “option.”

But that just isn’t the case any more.

Your online audiences are begging to “attend the party” (AKA connect with brands who create valuable, real-life relationships that go beyond transactional interactions).

They want friends to talk to, mentors who will listen, and fans to cheer them on.

The best part? There’s a place for brand communities in every step of your customer’s journey...

Beyond the problems your product solves, there is a whole world out there that your prospects are struggling with. So, why not be a voice of guidance that supports them even BEFORE the sale happens?

And when they do buy your product, they’re looking for a place to share their success and their struggles with people who actually get them and understand what they’re going through. Communities exist to bring customers together who are passionate about your product, but more importantly, they’re passionate about the same end goal.

There may even be advocates or hardcore fans of your product that need support in getting your message out — and there’s a type of community for that, too!

No matter what place your customers are in, it is guaranteed they’re waiting for an invitation to your party. They crave a relationship with your brand that goes deeper than your product or service in itself.

FACT: Businesses need Community Managers
(…who actually know what they’re doing)
Face it.

This whole “relationship building” idea is not familiar to most business owners and marketers.

We’re used to giving out information in mass sums, spitting out the ugly truths of our prospect’s situation in hopes that they will realize our product or service is the only solution!

Community Managers are the key to getting out of the promotional content safe zone and actually standing on the front lines to give audiences a new type of value they can hold on to.

The problem is… most Community Managers don’t know what they’re doing.

They just create a Facebook group, forum or other community platform, add their members, and just hope that their community will gain some traction.

Community Managers who actually know what they’re doing understand the importance of nurturing their members with a solid content and programming strategy that will get (and keep) the conversation going… that’s where you come in!

As a Certified Community Management Specialist, you’ll know exactly how to build a community from the ground up that will grow your brand, your brand advocates, and your overall revenue.

When you become a Certified Community Management Specialist, you’ll discover…

The 10 direct benefits communities can provide for your business (from decreasing churn to increasing revenue and even boosting SEO rankings)
The best way to maintain trust within your community and the CRUCIAL difference between marketing communication and community conversations
The 3 ways community members can carefully use the platform to convert members (and how to do it without destroying the member-brand relationship)
How to determine which of the 8 types of communities your business needs based on how your members define their common bond (hint: purchasing your product is NOT a significant bond)
Communication styles that are most effective when serving your market instead of serving your product (and why no one really cares about your product as much as they do about your brand)
The 3 things every community mission statement MUST include to outline the overall purpose, goal and scope of your community
How to effectively moderate the conversation at all times to maintain a safe, comfortable environment for your members and what to do when trolls start invading your posts (even if you’re a team of one)
Two of the most popular ways to grow an online community that works regardless of your industry (yes, even “boring” products can have flourishing communities)
The 8 types of content that drive compelling discussion and build your community, and why it’s more effective than asking general, non-meaningful questions that create massive, but short-lived engagement
What metrics you should use to measure success and how to prove a positive ROI in your community management efforts
How to keep your members positive and active within the community by using consistent, ritual content that will keep them engaged
The best ways to encourage every type of member to engage with the community — no matter if they’re “newbies” or “salty veterans”
What to look for when choosing a community platform like Facebook Groups, forums, or other social community platforms (you can even build your own platform and own the data)

Become a Certified Social & Community Manager Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 Become a Certified
Social & Community Manager
…and learn how to listen, influence, network and ultimately sell to your followers in the social media environment

You and your business are being talked about on social media… right now.

Whether it’s a Facebook post, a tweet on Twitter or a photo on Instagram…

…your prospects and customers have changed the way they voice criticism and praise.

They’ve also changed they way they find and consume information…

…and they’ve even changed the way they buy too.

Successful businesses must adapt their marketing to these changes.

FACT: Businesses NEED Social & Community Managers Now More Than Ever
(…Who Actually Know What They’re Doing)
If you’re here, you already know that having a social media strategy is an important aspect of any digital marketing strategy.

But, if you’re like most businesses, you’re not doing it as well as you know you should be.

Your business needs to have plans and processes in place in order to:

Listen to what your folks are saying about you on social media so you can monitor and respond to customer service and reputation management issues…
Influence them in a positive way, by establishing authority, often through the distribution and sharing of valuable content…
Network and associate with authoritative and influential individuals and brands…
Sell them your products and services, without coming across as sleazy or pushy.
In other words, good social media management helps to control the conversation about your business, leading to positive customer experiences, increased authority and ultimately more leads and sales.

So that’s why businesses need Social and Community Managers.

There’s just one problem: Most so-called “social media managers” don’t know what they’re doing.

That’s where you come in.

As a Certified Social & Community Manager, you’ll learn to assess your business’ goals and employ sound and measurable social media marketing practices to meet those goals.

More specifically, in this master class, you’ll learn:

The “Social Success Cycle” framework that gives you instant clarity on the 4 categories of social media marketing activities (and the category every business should begin with).
How to create your Customer Avatar in order to architect a social media strategy that attracts leads and buyers (our simple Customer Avatar Worksheet will show you how to build your avatar).
How to recognize and leverage the strength (and avoid the weakness) of both “Seeker” and “Engagement” social media channels.
The “10-Minute Social Media Audit” that immediately identifies gaps in your social media marketing so you can close them.
The two categories of social media marketing that can (and should) be automated by software (don’t worry, we tell you which programs to use).
The “Feedback Loop” process that exponentially increases the impact of social media marketing on product/service development, customer service and content creation.
The 5 keyword categories that matter when monitoring the web for customer service and reputation issues (“Listen” for these keywords and you’ll immediately join the social conversation about your brand).
The Social Listening Keyword Research Planner that makes social listening campaign set up a breeze.
How to set up social listening using paid tools (and an alternative method using free tools for those on a tight budget).
The simple 3-Step Social Media Customer Service Plan to employ when dealing with angry customers on public social channels.
4 methods to growing connections on any social channel (look out for the “Indoctrination” and “Bouncing” processes).
7 blog post templates that create high-quality, “shareworthy” blog content with speed (never get stuck for blog post ideas again).
The Social Media Topic Map handout that transforms boring, “ho hum” social media channels into thriving social communities.
The 6-Step “socialization” process you’ll apply to every new piece of content you create (this will maximize your social media exposure).
How to defeat the “Social Fire Hose” (and create social media updates that get noticed in the sea of social status updates).
How to leverage “Long Tail Media Outreach” (in order to generate traffic, links and authority from blogs, podcasts and more).
How to combine Social Media Topic Maps and “The Short List” process to create a network of influencers (these can really can “move the needle” for your business).
How “Reverse Media Outreach” works today (and how to position yourself to take advantage of it).
The “Value First” strategy that seamlessly and subtly transforms casual social media connections into leads and customers (without being sleazy).
3 types of “Value First” offers (and when to use each one).
How to employ “Content Segmentation”, social media and social advertising to ascend social connections to leads and customers.
How to use content + social media to intersect with “The Customer Journey” from the Awareness to Conversion stage.
In short, Certified Social & Community Managers are able to not only manage and control the social conversation about you and your business... they are also able to track, measure and monetize your social media efforts.

If you’re interested in becoming a Certified Social & Community Manager, then I have one question for you…

Are You A “Doer”…or Just a “Talker?”
(or…Why You Might Want To Get Certified)
Let’s face it: Marketing experts are a dime a dozen.

So how do you separate those who “walk the talk” from the ones who merely…


That’s the problem!

And at DigitalMarketer, it was our problem, too. You see, we don’t just teach marketing best practices, we actually DO MARKETING for businesses that we ACTUALLY OWN.

We aren’t researchers. We aren’t journalists.

We’re business owners running companies (both online and offline) in B2B and B2C markets selling everything from cosmetics to camping equipment to industrial water filters and everything in-between.


…so we know how hard it is to find truly skilled people who know what they’re talking about.

And that’s why we created the “Social & Community Mastery” course and certification.

We built this certification to train our own team members, but in the spirit of “open sourcing” our business (which is what DigitalMarketer is all about) we’re now making this certification and training available to the world.

In short, we’re making it available to YOU…

Arrow What You’ll Learn In This Course
The Social Success Cycle
Learn the 4 critical categories of social media marketing activities. Understanding the different forms of social communication will help you identify your business goals and focus on the category that best fits your needs.

The “10 Minute Social Media Audit”
Quickly evaluate your social media presence and determine where there are gaps, so you can close them. When you know how often you post and what type of content you regularly provide, you can develop new ways to engage your followers.

Value First Strategies
Learn the appropriate types of offers to make in social media channels, including valuable content, opt-in offers and deep-discount offers. These 3 main offers will seamlessly and subtly transform casual social media connections into leads and customers.

Community Management
Learn how to create and monitor an online community by building relationships and encouraging relationships between members. When your customers have a safe place to discuss your product and their goals, you will decrease churn and increase retention.

Competitive analysis: Tools to beat your competitors Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:58 +0000 Competitive analysis: Tools to beat your competitors
A-Z guide on how to beat your competitors using a combination of Keyword Research, SEO, PPC and Social Media tools.

What you’ll learn
Rank over your competitors on Google
Get higher conversion rates in PPC (Adwords, Yahoo Ads, YouTube) using your competitor data
Track everything your competitors are doing online
Find what PPC keywords are providing your competitors with the most revenue.
Improve your strategy & online marketing efforts to increase sales & ROI
Save time & money by understanding what is working for your competitors
Proactively monitor new competitors strategies & adapt to them
Internet access
After taking this course – you will understand everything your competitors are doing online and what is currently working for them. You will also learn how to use those learnings to beat them in SEO, PPC & Social Media.

This course has been carefully designed and structured to explain all aspects of competitive tools and how you can use those tools to beat your competitors. This includes using the tools, collecting the data & analyzing that data to your advantage.

Why take this course?

Find out what your competitors are doing SEO wise with in-depth analysis on their linking and content strategies.
Get more SEO traffic by ranking over your competitors.
Understand what keywords to target for your PPC campaigns. Use the money your competitors spent testing “their” keywords to start your campaigns with a profit.
Monitor your competitors social media presence and create compelling content to win over their audience
Use free tools to proactively monitor your niche and trends to be on top of the market
Learn about 30+ competitive tools and how you can use them to collect precious data and beat your competition.
Use your competitors hard spent money to start off with the most performing keywords, ads and landing pages.
Find what SEO keywords are providing them with the most traffic.
Save time and money by learning what ads or banners are working for your competitors and create better performing ones for yourself.
A few more reasons why you should take this course!

There are many advantages to learning about what your competitors are doing, especially in this course as it covers EVERY LITTLE aspect of the subject. Here are a few more advantages:

Increase your digital efforts on already performing channels and strategies used by your competitors.
Explore and use strategies your competitors are not implementing yet.
Create better compelling ads & landing pages to gain a higher ROI
Are there any prerequisites?

There are NO prerequisites to taking this course. You don’t need to know code,or have any digital marketing experience to take this course. Having a website is definitely a plus, however is not required. The course is designed for all user levels and is structured in the most effective way possible for maximum learning and implementation.

Material & Follow-up

Each and every section contains downloadable material that will help you remember and better expand your knowledge in the subject. The downloadable material is there to assist and confirm what you have learned. Every section contains video, audio and live presentations to help you become an expert in the subject quickly. I have also made sure that all my students will have the ability to interact with me and ask me any questions that they feel are necessary to grow their knowledge. (Just post your questions in the discussion board and they will be answered within 1 day)

This is not your ordinary course! This course is designed from beginning to end with the intention to get you to become an expert in dissecting your competitors and using their data to beat them. Competitive analytics and competitive analysis tools have long been a best kept secret by digital marketers, however in this course they are all explained in detail.

Hope to see in the course! 🙂

Who this course is for:
Digital marketers in all levels
Small business owners
Affiliate marketers
Digital consultants
SEO experts & specialist
Web designers & developers
Advertising agencies

Create a Video Ad That Sells Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:54 +0000 Create a Video Ad That Sells
Let’s craft an engaging and entertaining video ad that turns ice-cold prospects into red-hot buyers & promoters of your business (NOW INCLUDED: FREE Detailed Training Notes)

Here’s What We’ll Create Together

In this workshop, you’ll leverage video-selling expert Billy Gene Shaw’s secret step-by-step formula to create a video ad that sells anything & everything on social media… automatically and predictably.

With BRAND NEW NOTES: We took all of the golden nuggets of information in this training and turned them into a massive cheatsheet that you can reference at a moment’s notice.
Deploy the video ad tactics that Billy and his team used to generate 118,000 leads and 34.2 million views… from a single video ad… that ran for just 13 days 😳
Follow an easy, step-by-step process to create a compelling video ad—one that people want to watch, and more importantly… one that sells
Leverage tools you can use to quickly produce engaging video ads (including 15 templatized, fill-in-the-blank worksheets to streamline the process)
Learn the fundamentals of video selling—how to seize your audience’s attention, how to hold onto their attention, and what to say to get them to buy
Optimize and improve the conversion rate of your video ads… WITHOUT having to re-record additional versions (this is key)
Utilize 15 of Billy’s proven checklists, templates, and worksheets that make crafting multiple high-converting video ads as easy as “FILL IN THE BLANK & PRESS RECORD”…
…By the time we’re finished, you’ll have a fully customized video ad that builds trust with brand-new, ice-cold leads and converts them into red-hot buyers of your product or service.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll receive…

Sample worksheets from Billy Gene Shaw’s Workshop
What You’ll Learn & Leverage

15 Tools & Templates for Scripting, Recording, & Optimizing a Winning Video Ad

You will NOT leave this workshop empty-handed. Not only will Billy Gene take you, step-by-step through the process of scripting, recording, and optimizing your video ad, he’ll provide you with 15 fill-in-the-blank templates, worksheets, and audits that make shooting your video ad (and all future video ads) effortless.

The valuable resources in this workshop will expedite the entire process of crafting a video ad and save you valuable time and money.

Billy Gene Shaw’s Tested & Proven Video Ad Master Plan

With over 400,000,000 views across Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, Billy Gene Shaw knows video. In fact, it’s really all he does. He’s been producing winning video ads for companies like Kia, Orangetheory Fitness, and Dave & Buster’s for the better part of a decade… so he knows what works and (more importantly) what doesn’t. You’re going to leverage all of his tireless research and expertise to craft a video ad that connects with your ideal customers and sells your product quickly and effectively.

Highly Effective Strategies You Can Deploy for Your Business in Hours… Not Weeks

The process of shooting a proper video ad used to be incredibly time consuming and very, very expensive… luckily, things have changed.

Learn how to hook your viewer in the the first 5 seconds of your video and why Billy Gene’s method for opening a video ad is 100% proven to convert. And don’t worry… if you’re terrified of being on camera, there are multiple video ads that do not require your image to be on the finished product 😉

Digital Marketing Course to become Expert Digital Marketer Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:56 +0000 Digital Marketing Course to become Expert Digital Marketer
Become an Digital Marketing Expert start learning from fundamentals! Strong digital marketing fundamentals great learn!

What you’ll learn
Build your own website without coding & practice all digital marketing tactics on it.
Develop your own digital marketing strategy
Implement all the digital marketing techniques like google adwords, social media marketing, email marketing, etc..
Make money as a freelancer with adsense & affiliate marketing as a part of digital marketing
Learn Tips & Tricks to excel your all types of digital marketing campaigns
No prior digital marketing & technical understanding needed – enthusiasm is all that’s necessary!
No prior digital marketing or website or seo
Objective of Training Program

To make you an expert in marketing a business online by making you learn and understand how to do digital marketing & Start learning from Fundamentals.
To make you earn money online by doing affiliate marketing and adsense blogging as a part time or full time freelancer.
Outcome Of Training Program
After successful completion of the training program, you not only become capable to track and monitor digital marketing performance, but, you will be able to plan, conceptualize and implement Digital Marketing strategy yourself.
Put simply, you become an expert in marketing any business online.

Training Process

The training starts with Digital Marketing Overview wherein you learn the basics of digital marketing that help you build a strong base for the practical sessions that follow.
Then, to provide hands-on-practical exposure, you create a website. The purpose behind creating a website is to provide you a practical exposure of every component. Actually, you are not just learning digital marketing, you are actually doing it.
Once you have the basics in order and your website is up and running, the training kick starts to more advanced digital marketing modules wherein you learn SEO, PPC Advertising, Google Analytics, E-mail marketing, Mobile Web Marketing and Online Advertising.
Another interesting component in this digital marketing training program is Social Media Marketing comprising of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Video and Viral marketing. Keeping modern day business requirements in mind, this training has a very important component, i.e., Lead generation for business. Under this component, you not only learn how to generate potential business leads but, also how to convert those leads into sales and increase your business revenue.
Our team of renowned Affiliate marketers will train and share tips and tricks on how you can make money online with Affiliate Marketing and AdSense Blogging. So, this means you can mint money online anytime, as a part-time or full-time freelancer…All you need is a laptop and an internet connection!
Once your training is over and you are well versed practically with all the components, you are awarded an industry recognized certification .
Advance digital marketing course with 24+ hours video lectures includes 17 modules as follow

Digital Marketing and Overview
Website Planning & Creation
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Marketing or Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Social Media Marketing
Facebook Marketing
LinkedIn Marketing
Twitter Marketing
YouTube Marketing
Email Marketing
Lead Generation
Online Display Advertising
Mobile Marketing
Content Marketing
Online Reputation Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy

Who this course is for:
Anybody who would like to learn digital marketing
Anybody who would like to implement digital marketing for his or her business
Anybody who would like to grow his career with digital marketing
Anybody who wants to make money through digital marketing or adsense

Digital Marketing on Linkedin Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:39:58 +0000 Digital Marketing on Linkedin
Any effective social media marketing plan must include a social networking platform customer acquisition strategy.

What you’ll learn
By the end of this course student(s) will have mastered Linkedin Marketing
Students will have a thorough understanding of all critical areas of Linkedin marketing
Students will be able to drive geo-targeted keyword traffic to their profiles and websites
Students will have the ability to download all course materail to their desktop, laptop or tablet device

High speed Internet connection

Social media marketing is a must for the success of your products and services. Very few websites have the ability to so overwhelmingly increase business prestige as does Linkedin. Boasting more than 235 million members and a global reach of hundreds of millions more, this website can immediately enhance brand presence as well as profits.

Here are just a few benefits of taking this course;

Increase brand visibility with clients and customers
Immediate access to business partnerships and investors
Amplify social media brand messaging with eager buyers
Increase website traffic and build profits
Long-term, organic search indexing on Google, Yahoo and Bing
Immediate placement of your sales messaging above that of competitors
Increased profits and ROI
Niche marketing of your products and services on Linkedin can build long-term, geo-targeted website traffic with those most likely to take advantage of your offer(s). Join us for profit impacting, video tutorial training NOW!

Free Video Viewers – to view in best quality which is 720HD, once video is launched, go to bottom right area of video player and switch from ‘360’ to 720HD.

Who this course is for:
Entrepreneurs and small business owners seeking to increase traffic to products and services

Everyone Can Build a Twitter Audience Sun, 30 Aug 2020 16:28:49 +0000 Over the past 14 months, my Twitter account has grown from 150 to 24,000 followers. How did I do it?

First, the backstory: Last year I left a cushy job at Amazon to work for myself. But then I realized that my reputation only existed at the companies I’d worked for. I was practically unknown to the rest of the world.

I was determined to get some attention, but I was new to this kind of work. I had never posted on Twitter, never had a Facebook account, had no social media experience, and didn’t have a marketing background.

I settled on Twitter as my platform for experimenting. Being new, I wasted a lot of time trying things that didn’t work. But in that process, I stumbled on an approach that did work, and really well. And every other account I’ve seen that followed my approach has been successful at growing an audience from scratch and getting a lot of engagement.

In this video course, I’ll show you how I built my Twitter audience, and how you can do it too. My Twitter account might be the most valuable asset I own, and there is no better time than now to start building yours.

Intro – 0:00
Credibility – 06:01
Measure of Success – 22:18
Twitter Funnel – 31:23
Make People Find You – 36:26
Bio – 45:10
Real Name vs Pseudonym – 50:19
How to Tweet – 54:47
Engagement – 61:40
Inspiration – 74:38
What Not to Tweet – 81:15
What Not to Do – 86:51
Recap: Starter Strategy – 96:04
Duration: 100 minutes

Refund Policy
If you’re not 100% satisfied with the purchase, or it’s not what you were expecting, just reply to the download email within 30 days, and you’ll get a full refund. No questions asked.

Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate Fri, 30 Apr 2021 13:19:18 +0000 Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate

Launch your career in social media marketing. Build job-ready skills and credentials to go from beginner to job ready in about 5 months. No degree or prior experience required.


  • Create and analyze an effective advertising campaign for your target audience

  • Create a creative brief that includes the assets for your paid ad

  • Create, edit, and troubleshoot ads in Facebook Ads Manager

About this Professional Certificate

Whether you’ve been tinkering with social media platforms for your business already or are completely new to the field of digital marketing, you’ve come to the right place. This five-course program, developed by digital marketing experts at Aptly together with Facebook marketers, includes industry-relevant curriculum designed to prepare you for an entry-level role in social media marketing.

After an introduction to digital marketing and the main social media platforms, you’ll learn to establish an online presence, create posts, build a following, and manage your social media accounts. You’ll develop skills in creating and managing advertising campaigns in social media and learn to evaluate the results of your marketing efforts.

Most importantly, you’ll get to practice your new skills through hands-on projects in every course, the results of which you can showcase through a portfolio of your work. Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll earn both the Coursera and the Facebook Digital Marketing Associate Certification, proving your skills in social media marketing and in the use of Facebook Ads Manager.

FB Ads Mastery Fri, 15 May 2020 11:38:09 +0000 The Secret Sauce Behind Success On Facebook Ads?
The One Thing Facebook Doesn’t Want To Talk About… DATA

How To Get Your Facebook Ads Machine Running On All Cylinders In 2020 (And Beyond)
Let me know if you’ve had any of these problems with Facebook Ads:

You put money into the Facebook Machine and get nothing back
You get leads from Facebook Ads… BUT none of them convert into customers
Your ad campaigns start off great… and then you hit the proverbial “Facebook Brick Wall”
If you’ve experienced these frustrations, you’re far from alone.

We surveyed 667 Facebook advertisers, and it turns out…

The things we love about Facebook Ads… are also the things we hate.

This love-hate relationship along with a changing landscape are the main reasons I’ve received so many requests for help with Facebook Ads over the past few years.

The truth is, despite over 30 million dollars of pay-per-click management experience and recognized industry expert status…

I have had my own struggles with Facebook Ads.

(I’m not sure if these results were harder on my wallet or my ego.)

That said, these disappointing outcomes are probably what I deserve for throwing advertising money at an uninspiring offer.

Going From ROI Negative To Positive
For the past 2 years, I dedicated myself to finding a better, simpler way to get results with Facebook Ads.

I analyzed over 10,000 ads published by Facebook’s top advertisers to find valuable trends in their ad creative.

I mapped out every step and detail I needed to follow to make sure I hit my advertising targets.

And, I devised a method to simplify my audience targeting.

Then I put everything I had learned together and relaunched my Facebook Ads campaigns.

​Impressive Results Can Come Quickly
The outcome?

Getting these improved results felt fantastic.

BUT here’s what’s even more significant…

I discovered three vital (and somewhat surprising) success factors that can CHANGE your Facebook Ads fortunes.

​Success Factor #1

​It’s All About The DATA (Just NOT Facebook’s)
Facebook would rather NOT talk about data these days…

And many marketing “experts” treat data like a four-letter word that’s too powerful for you to process.

Yet, here’s the thing… focusing on the data actually makes running Facebook Ads easier.

When you let data guide your decision making, you remove emotion, intuition, and guesswork from your process.

However… the key is to make YOUR data the focus instead of Facebook’s.

Facebook provides us with so many advertising metrics that it’s enticing to sit back and let them do the work.

But letting Facebook’s data (alone) guide your advertising strategy is a recipe for disaster.

Instead, you need to:

Set your advertising targets using your own business numbers

Deploy basic tracking tactics using third-party systems to hold Facebook’s data accountable

And use your data to train Facebook’s platform to bring you better results.
When you bring in data from outside the Facebook ecosystem to plan your advertising strategy and back-up your results…

You give yourself a strategic advantage.

You also avoid overspending to get results that won’t help you achieve your goals.

And when you nourish the Facebook Ads machine with the data it needs… You give yourself an opportunity to maximize every advertising dollar you spend.

​Success Factor #2

​Targeting Isn’t Everything
There’s a big myth surrounding targeting on Facebook Ads. And that myth is you need to target the perfect audience to be successful.

While targeting the right audience is important… matching the messaging of your ad content to the audience you want Facebook to deliver is far more vital to your success.

Think about it this way:

What this means is you don’t have to obsess over building hyper-precise targeting.

Instead, think about your audiences in terms of their “state of awareness.” Then, use your ad campaigns to target and engage your audiences based on their awareness levels. And track how your audiences’ awareness increases as result of your advertising.

The combination of broad targeting and precise tracking will help you get the best results.
