SEO Training For More Traffic & Sales

SEO Training For More Traffic & Sales

SEO Training For More Traffic & Sales


from Contact Vendor


SEO Training For More Traffic & Sales- Finally, an SEO course that shows you exactly how to get higher Google rankings, step-by-step.

Even if… you’ve struggled with SEO in the past

Even if… you’re new to SEO

Even if… you’re overwhelmed with no idea where to start

Even if… you’ve thought to yourself “SEO doesn’t work for me”

Meet Your Instructor: Brian Dean
Hi, I’m Brian Dean.

You may know me from my Forbes profile where they called me a “recognized SEO expert.”

More than likely you first heard of me from my blog, Backlinko, one of the most popular marketing blogs on the planet (in fact, Ahrefs recently listed Backlinko as the “world’s best SEO blog”).

As you’ll see in a minute, I recently developed an SEO system that actually works.

But you might be surprised to hear that, before I figured out the secret to first page Google rankings, I struggled with SEO.

My First Foray Into SEO Was a Disaster
I launched my first website almost 10 years ago.

And like most people, I knew that search engine optimization was going to be HUGE.

So I read everything I could about SEO from forums and blog posts.

You know the kind of stuff I’m talking about:

I kept my site updated with fresh, quality content.
I optimized my title tags and description tags.
I used keywords on all of my pages.
I promoted my content on social media.
But nothing worked.

I quickly realized that the “just publish great content and the traffic will come” approach worked GREAT for big brands.

But what about someone like me who was a one man show? How could I crack the first page?

That’s when I decided to hop off the “just publish great content” train. Instead, I’d hunker down and test everything.

And I discovered something surprising…

Then — BAM! — I Had a Breakthrough
After years of trial and error I FINALLY found something that actually worked.

It was one of those “light bulb” moments you see in cartoons.

I realized that:

Most people believe the secret to first page rankings and targeted traffic is to publish “great content”. Instead, I’ve discovered that there are certain TYPES of “great content” that actually get results.

And most important of all, you need to strategically promote every piece of content that you publish.

I turned this “light bulb moment” into a system that grew one of my sites from a blank WordPress installation into a $10k/month earner…in only 4 months.

Backlinko revenue growth
Here’s What Happened Next:
A few months later, I launched Backlinko.

When I started Backlinko, I knew that I was entering one of the most brutally competitive industries on the planet (digital marketing).

(Think about it: I’m literally going toe-to-toe with SEO experts on every single keyword).

And I knew that if my system could work in the cutthroat SEO industry, it could work anywhere.

Spoiler alert: it worked GREAT.

And thanks to the proven system I developed, I quickly hit Google’s first page for some of the most competitive keywords in the marketing field, like “on page SEO”:

“on page seo” SERP rankings
“Link building”:

“link building” SERP rankings
“Keyword research”:

“keyword research” SERP rankings
And “Mobile SEO”:

“mobile seo” SERP rankings
As you might expect, these first page rankings generate hundreds of thousands of targeted visitors every single month. In fact, here are last month’s traffic stats from Google Analytics:

Google Analytics stats
And I should point out that these visitors that come from Google aren’t tire kickers. Because a good chunk of my site visitors invest in my SEO training products, I’ve quickly grown Backlinko from a brand new blog to a 7-figure business.

That’s When I Asked Myself: “Could This System Work for Other People Too?”
I was 2 for 2 with my unique SEO system.

But I wanted to see if my system could help other people too.

So I turned my new approach into a step-by-step SEO training course. And I called it “SEO That Works”.

(Not the most creative name. But it gets the job done 🙂)

Then, I invited a small group of people to join the program and test out my SEO strategies for themselves.