The Six Secrets to Successful Influencer Campaigns

The Six Secrets to Successful Influencer Campaigns

The Six Secrets to Successful Influencer Campaigns


The Six Secrets to Successful Influencer Campaigns
Influencer marketing flat-out works. Why? Because people trust their peers, friends, and people they admire more than the brands selling products and services they use. Working successfully with the right influencers in the right way can help your brand reach larger, more engaged audiences… and ultimately boost your bottom line.

If you’re thinking about launching an influencer program, or want to boost the effectiveness of your existing efforts, this is the course you’ve been waiting for! In The Six Secrets of Successful Influencer Campaigns, you’ll discover how to develop and deploy thoughtful, high-performing campaigns for your brand.

You’ll learn it all: From selecting your goals and defining your audience, to identifying potential influencers, executing your plan, and measuring results—it’s all here for you. Plus, influencer-marketing veteran Jason Falls will walk you through how you can apply the methodology to your own company and campaigns.

Ready? Let’s go.

1 How to build a case for influencer marketing and get stakeholder buy-in
2 The six elements you need to build an influencer marketing campaign
3 How to apply each element to your organization and pinpoint the key areas you need to develop your own initial influencer marketing plan